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WAKECommunities has seen quite a few changes this past year. This very website experienced a makeover in recent months and may look unfamiliar to those of you who have not visited since. In an effort to strengthen the connections tying Wake Foresters to one another and the University, University Advancement has mapped out a reimagined vision for WAKECommunities with new communications, a variety of events and more robust engagement.

At the heart of this vision though, our team remains dedicated to spreading Pro Humanitate and continuing the experiences you’ve come to love on top of creating exciting new ones. Whether you have crowded in a brewery for a game watch, surrounded by other fans cheering on the Demon Deacons or gathered in a local Wake Forester’s home to celebrate the Lovefeast, you will still find those connections here. Pro Humanitate Days—our annual days of service where Deacs around the globe take on volunteer projects within their communities—are one such tradition we are honored to keep supporting.

WAKEPhoenix Deacs volunteer at Hunkapi Farms during Pro Humanitate Days 2024.
WAKEAtlanta volunteers support forest restoration efforts with Trees Atlanta for Pro Humanitate Days 2024.

This year’s Pro Humanitate Days are March 29–April 6, 2025. As we draw closer, be on the lookout for projects happening in your area, which will be shared in emails, over the Wake Forest alumni social media, and here on the WAKECommunities site. And if you have a project idea of your own, feel free to submit it!

As we wrap up the first month of 2025, reflect on what has changed for WAKECommunities in the last year and look eagerly ahead at the new and not-so-new experiences yet to come, I am excited to be part of Pro Humanitate Days with you.

After all, what better display of Pro Humanitate is there than Wake Foresters coming together to serve their communities and improve the world from the places they call home?

One of several Winston-Salem volunteer groups for Pro Humanitate Days 2024, cleaning up Shaffner Park
Orlando volunteers preparing meals for families staying at the Ronald McDonald House
Charlotte Wake Foresters gathering cleaning supplies for Philips Academy
Washington, D.C. clean-up crew making Great Falls Park beautiful
Raleigh Wake Foresters, including WAKECommunities team member Evan McMillan (’07) on the right, holding a donation drive
